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THE Bouquet!

THE Bouquet!


I was invited earlier in the year to create a few bouquets for an inspiration shoot. It was suggested that one of the bouquets be tonal green on green and neutrals and to include succulents. This is one of my favorite bouquets ever! It’s a hand tied bouquet with succulents, green, brown and white lady slipper orchids, ginestra, viburnum, uluhe fiddlehead fern curls, viburnum, agonis and muscari. It is tied with copper ribbon with twine. Thank you to my friend, Jennifer Hudson Smith, of Carolina Photosmith for taking the time to come out and photograph this bouquet for the “shoot” before the shoot!


orchid and succulent bouquet


This bouquet is for the Bride looking to do something a little different. Yet, it is not over the top crazy. It would look great with a variety of wedding color schemes and styles. As is, it would go great with a vintage or natural styles wedding. Wrapped different it could look great with a more modern and contemporary feel or even a Charleston Beach Wedding.


Succulent and Orchid Bouquet

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